Time is Money, the FLSA and Law Enforcement
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Jeffrey Chamberlain is the author of the book, Time is Money, the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) and Law Enforcement Employment.  The work is a detailed explanation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, specifically as it applies to law enforcement employment and personnel, written "in English" (or, as Jeff says, "as close to English as the subject permits").  It covers virtually every FLSA question likely to arise within police and corrections jobs nationwide, carefully organized and indexed to permit efficient use and includes extensive (but unobtrusive) legal references.  350+ pages, in looseleaf binding to permit periodic updating as legal developments warrant.

    More information about this important reference is at www.cailaw.org, including a preview of the detailed table of contents (link at top left of the page) which provides a good overview of what is covered in the book. 

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